
2015 to 2022

I co-founded a FinTech company, PrimeKeeper, a marketplace banking platform that works closely with banks, financial service providers and retailers in Malaysia.


PrimeKeeper’s marketplace banking platform is an “ecosystem” of aggregated financial products & services coupled with retail & online payment services, presented to customers with their user-experience in mind.

The uniqueness that sets us apart from other competitor platforms is our BaaS engine coupled with e-KYC, Digital ID, Digital Onboarding and Personal Finance Manager services that adds-value to BFSI service providers, businesses, and individuals.

Issues We Solve

  • Market – Fragmented market that is overcrowded with service providers carrying out their own initiatives and activities, resulting in inconvenience for Customers who would need to utilise multiple platforms and mobile apps in order to fulfil their daily wants and needs.
  • Customers – The siloed data, fragmented and walled approach by service providers results in limited choices for customers, where selections are usually constrained to that of their respective providers' offerings. Having multiple service provider apps require Customers to maintain multiple usernames and passwords. This results in inefficiencies and potential frequent resets due to forgotten Passwords.
  • Banks – Banks need new innovative solutions to grow beyond traditional e-banking and to move towards the future of banking in order to better serve its customers digitally. Banks need to keep up with many aspects of the modern Customer’s expectations, such as information transparency, the need for a decentralized nature and ensuring device-responsive processes and experiences.

My Responsibilities

My role, as co-founder, has adapted over the years since the company was founded.

In the early days during its inception,

  • I took on the role in leading the design and innovation aspect of the company’s products and services.
  • I created the initial prototype that visualise the vision of the platform and has won over many banks to express interest to come onboard as bank participants.
  • I designed the initial integration model and system architecture of the platform.
2nd Runner Up – ASEAN Fintech Challenge Organized by VISA & The Association of Islamic Banking Institutions Malaysia (AIBIM)
Sharing Session organised by MDEC in Jakarta
Shortlisted for the Cyberview Living Lab

At present,

  • I have recently taken lead on the UX design of the App and acted as co-coordinator with the developers in building the platform.
  • I define technical requirements to satisfy product, security and compliance requirements of the platform.
  • I gather technical requirements and manage the technical aspects of integration projects with BFSI and service providers.
  • I assess and address risks in relation to the product and ensures that the system and the company are in full compliance with Bank Negara Malaysia’s regulatory requirements, PCI DSS and ISO27001 standard.